You would
have to agree that the most popular flags are the "SYN",
"ACK" and "FIN", used to establish connections,
acknowledge successful segment transfers and,
lastly, terminate connections. While the rest of the
flags are not as well known, their role and purpose
makes them, in some cases, equally important.
We will
begin our analysis by examining all six flags,
starting from the top, that is, the Urgent Pointer:
Flag - Urgent Pointer
The first flag is the
Urgent Pointer flag, as
shown in the previous screen shot. This flag is used
to identify incoming data as 'urgent'. Such incoming
segments do not have to wait until the previous
segments are consumed by the receiving end but are
sent directly and processed immediately.
Urgent Pointer could be
used during a stream of data transfer where a host
is sending data to an application running on a
remote machine. If a problem appears, the host
machine needs to abort the data transfer and stop
the data processing on the other end. Under normal
circumstances, the abort signal will be sent and
queued at the remote machine until all previously
sent data is processed, however, in this case, we
need the abort signal to be processed immediately.
setting the abort signal's segment
Urgent Pointer flag to
'1', the remote machine will not wait till all
queued data is processed and then execute the abort.
Instead, it will give that specific segment
priority, processing it immediately and stopping all
further data processing.
you're finding it hard to understand, consider this
real-life example:
At your
local post office, hundreds of trucks are unloading
bags of letters from all over the world. Because the
amount of trucks entering the post office building
are abundant, they line up one behind the other,
waiting for their turn to unload their bags.
As a
result, the queue ends up being quite long. However,
a truck with a big red flag suddenly joins the queue
and the security officer, whose job it is to make
sure no truck skips the queue, sees the red flag and
knows it's carrying very important letters that need
to get to their destination urgently. By following
the normal procedures, the security officer signals
to the truck to skip the queue and go all the way up
to the front, giving it priority over the other the
In this
example, the trucks represent the segments that
arrive at their destination and are queued in the
buffer waiting to be processed, while the truck with
the red flag is the segment with the
Urgent Pointer flag
further point to note is the existence of theUrgent
Pointer field. This field is covered in
section 5, but we can briefly mention that when the
Urgent Pointer
is set to '1' (that's the one we are analysing
here), then the Urgent
field specifies the position in the segment
where urgent data ends.
Flag - ACKnowledgement
ACKnowledgement flag is
used to acknowledge the successful receipt of
If you
run a packet sniffer while transferring data using
the TCP, you will notice that, in most cases, for
every packet you send or receive, an
follows. So if you received a packet from a remote
host, then your workstation will most probably send
one back with the ACK
field set to "1".
In some
cases where the sender requires one ACKnowledgement
for every 3 packets sent, the receiving end will
send the ACK expected
once (the 3rd sequential packet is received). This
is also called Windowing and is covered extensively
in the pages that follow.
Flag - PUSH
Push flag, like the
Urgent flag, exists to ensure that the data is given
the priority (that it deserves) and is processed at
the sending or receiving end. This particular flag
is used quite frequently at the beginning and end of
a data transfer, affecting the way the data is
handled at both ends.
developers create new applications, they must make
sure they follow specific guidelines given by the
RFC's to ensure that their applications work
properly and manage the flow of data in and out of
the application layer of the OSI model flawlessly.
When used, the Push bit
makes sure the data segment is handled correctly and
given the appropriate priority at both ends of a
virtual connection.
When a
host sends its data, it is temporarily queued in the
TCP buffer, a special area in the memory, until the
segment has reached a certain size and is then sent
to the receiver. This design guarantees that the
data transfer is as efficient as possible, without
waisting time and bandwidth by creating multiple
segments, but combining them into one or more larger
the segment arrives at the receiving end, it is
placed in the TCP incoming buffer before it is
passed onto the application layer. The data queued
in the incoming buffer will remain there until the
other segments arrive and, once this is complete,
the data is passed to the application layer that's
waiting for it.
this procedure works well in most cases, there are a
lot of instances where this 'queueing' of data is
undesirable because any delay during queuing can
cause problems to the waiting application. A simple
example would be a TCP stream, e.g real player,
where data must be sent and processed (by the
receiver) immediately to ensure a smooth stream
without any cut offs.
A final
point to mention here is that the
Push flag is usually
set on the last segment of a file to prevent buffer
deadlocks. It is also seen when used to send HTTP or
other types of requests through a proxy - ensuring
the request is handled appropriately and
Flag - Reset (RST) Flag
reset flag is used when
a segment arrives that is not intended for the
current connection. In other words, if you were to
send a packet to a host in order to establish a
connection, and there was no such service waiting to
answer at the remote host, then the host would
automatically reject your request and then send you
a reply with the RST
flag set. This indicates that the remote host has
reset the connection.
this might prove very simple and logical, the truth
is that in most cases this 'feature' is used by most
hackers in order to scan hosts for 'open' ports. All
modern port scanners are able to detect 'open' or
'listening' ports thanks to the 'reset' function.
method used to detect these ports is very simple:
When attempting to scan a remote host, a valid TCP
segment is constructed with the SYN flag set (1) and
sent to the target host. If there is no service
listening for incoming connections on the specific
port, then the remote host will reply with ACK and
RST flag set (1). If,
on the other hand, there is a service listening on
the port, the remote host will construct a TCP
segment with the ACK flag set (1). This is, of
course, part of the standard 3-way handshake we have
the host scanning for open ports receives this
segment, it will complete the 3-way handshake and
then terminate it using the FIN (see below) flag,
and mark the specific port as "active".
5th Flag - SYNchronisation Flag
fifth flag contained in the TCP Flag options is
perhaps the most well know flag used in TCP
communications. As you might be aware, the SYN flag
is initialy sent when establishing the classical
3-way handshake between two hosts:

In the
above diagram, Host A needs to download data from
Host B using TCP as its transport protocol. The
protocol requires the 3-way handshake to take place
so a virtual connection can be established by both
ends in order to exchange data.
the 3-way handshake we are able to count a total of
2 SYN flags transmitted, one by each host. As files
are exchanged and new connections created, we will
see more SYN flags being sent and received.
6th Flag - FIN Flag
final flag available is the FIN flag, standing for
the word FINished. This flag is used to tear down
the virtual connections created using the previous
flag (SYN), so because of this reason, the FIN flag
always appears when the last packets are exchanged
between a connection.
It is
important to note that when a host sends a FIN flag
to close a connection, it may continue to receive
data until the remote host has also closed the
connection, although this occurs only under certain
circumstances. Once the connection is teared down by
both sides, the buffers set aside on each end for
the connection are released.
normal teardown procedure is depicted below:

above diagram represents an existing connection
betwen Host A and B, where the two hosts are
exchanging data. Once the data transfer is complete,
Host A sends a packet with the FIN, ACK flags set
(STEP 1).
this packet, Host A is ACKnowledging the previous
stream while at the same time initiating the TCP
close procedure to kill this connection. At this
point, Host A's application will stop receiving any
data and will close the connection from this side.
response to Host A's request to close the
connection, Host B will send an ACKnowledgement
(STEP 2) back, and also notify its application that
the connection is no longer available. Once this is
complete, the host (B) will send its own FIN, ACK
flags (STEP 3) to close their part of the
you're wondering why this procedure is required,
then you may need to recall that TCP is a Full
Duplex connection, meaning that there are two
directions of data flow. In our example this is the
connection flow from Host A to Host B and vice
versa. In addition, it requires both hosts to close
the connection from their side, hence the reason
behind the fact that both hosts must send a FIN flag
and the other host must ACKnowledge it.
at Step 4, Host A willl acknowledge the request Host
B sent at STEP 3 and the closedown procedure for
both sides is now complete!
page dealt with the TCP Flag Options available to
make life either more difficult, or easy, depending
on how you look at the picture :)
the most important information given on this page
that is beneficial to remember is the TCP handshake
procedure and the fact that TCP is a Full Duplex
following section will examine the TCP Window size,
Checksum and Urgent Pointer fields, all of which are
relevant and very important. For this reason we
strongly suggest you read through these topics,
rather than skip over them.